Compare and Discover more about everything that distinguishes TestQuality from Xray
Top 3 reasons to choose TestQuality over Xray
Compare and discover more about what makes TestQuality so unique in GitHub and Jira test management.
Jira & GitHub Agile-Driven
TestQuality is different from other test management tools in that it is purpose-built for GitHub and Jira workflows and designed to be integrated with virtually all test automation and unit testing tools.
DevOps Integration
Pull test results from popular CI/CD, Test Automation and Unit Testing systems or use TestQuality's powerful REST API to import test sets from any testing tools and integrate with any DevOps workflow.
Testing Automation
There's no reason not to automate with native support for BDD (Gherkin/Cucumber) and integration with numerous test automation frameworks, including JUnit, NUnit, Pytest, Selenium, CircleCl, Watir.
How TestQuality Compares With Xray
TestQuality vs Xray Features
Annual price for 10 seats
Customer Experience and Support
Priority Support
Regular Customer Check-in's
Personalized 1:1 Demos
Fast Avg Issue Resolution Time
Onboarding and Migration Assistance
Feature Requests
Testing Experience
Web UX
Jira App
Scriptable CLI (Command Line Interface)
Unified Test Management
Manual Testing
Automation Testing
BDD (Gherkin) Testing
Adhoc/Exploratory Testing
Shift Left / Developer-First Testing
Pull Request Testing
Design & Author
Create, view, edit, clone test cases
Test Case Link to Defects and Requirements (Github & Jira)
Test Case Link to Requirements and User Stories (Github & Jira)
Labels, Attachments and Comments on Tests and Cycles.
Native support for BDD (Gherkin/Cucumber)
Hierarchical test organization in folders and subfolders
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